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The September 2024 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter

(Click Here to openand read)

The June 2024 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter

(Click Here to open and read)

The January/February 2024 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click Here to openand read)

The November 2023 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click Here to open and read)

The October 2023 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click Here to open and read)

The August 2023 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click Here to openand read)

The June 2023 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
​(Click Here to open and read)

The January-February 2023 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click Here to open and read)

The October, 2022 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click here to open and read)

The September, 2022 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click here to open and read)

The July, 2022 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click here to open  and read)

The June, 2022 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click here to open  and read)

The May, 2022 Hi-Lites Church Newsletter
(Click here to open  and read)


​​​​Don’t Forget the Food Pantry— donations are taken any time! 
The boxes are at the elevator door and the bottom of the Sunday School ramp.

Can You Help?
The Women’s Guild of Zion continues the sale of the Giant’s Cash for Causes gift cards.  Gift cards are available in $25.00,
$50.00 and $100.00 face value and never expire.  Card may be given as a gift anytime of the year or use for your own personal shopping experience, or in the pharmacy or gas purchases at Giant’s.  You never shop at Giant’s that’s OK. You can still purchase a $25.00 card and give to the church office for use when someone comes to Zion for help, in need of food etc. You do not need to use the full amount. Now for the bonus ... with your purchase at face value, Zion’s Women Guild receives 5%. We are able to purchase at a 5% discount. Please make your checks out to Zion  UCC Women’s Guild and see Jane Johnson for your cards.  

Have you been thinking of uniting with Zion Church?
If you have been contemplating membership with Zion Church, please phone or email Pastor Tom for details.  At this moment, a few friends of the Church have indicated to me their interest in our Zion fellowship.

Church News and Happenings

Zion Reformed Church, UCC – Chambersburg, PA

Church School: 9:30 am  –  Regular Worship: 10:45 am  –  Summer Worship: 9:00 am    

* Summer worship begins the first Sunday in July and ends with Labor Day Weekend

Rev. Thomas Dunkle, Pastor          Rev. Jeffrey Diller, Pastor Emeritus